I do not provide crisis support as part of my practice. Crisis Support Hotlines vary in their engagement with police and other emergency response personnel.


Blackline: call or text 800-604-5841
Peer support and counseling prioritizing BIPOC, with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens. "We do not trace or send any type of intervention under any circumstances without consent."


Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860
Trans peer support for trans community that’s been divested from police since day one. Run by and for trans people.

Trevor Hotline: 866-488-7386
Specifically for youth.

For Everyone

Public Hotline: 988
Anywhere in the US, you can dial this number to get connected to local mental health support. This number is run by 911 and may involve authorities.

Physical Health: Hey Doc
A clinic in SE Portland run by and primarily for BIPOC. Also see their list of BIPOC providers in PDX.

Alcohol Reduction: Moderation Management
This organization offers an alternative recovery framework from the 12-steps of AA, for those who may be looking to reduce use but not abstain entirely.

Acupuncture: Working Class Acupuncture and North Portland Community Acupuncture provide sliding scale acupuncture treatments in community settings around Portland.

Grief: Portland Grief House is a community of people who have also experienced loss and live with grief.

EcoTherapy: Strictly speaking AdoptOneBlock is not a therapeutic resource, as they are a nonprofit that provides supplies at no cost to folks who pick up trash in their neighborhoods. I think it’s a great way to take care of yourself through physical activity, fresh air, and caring for others.

Self-care Website: youfeellikeshit.com is a very basic website that leads you through a self-assessment of what might be contributing to feeling off, and how you can take action to resource yourself and feel better. Sometimes it’s nice to be led in the process, instead of relying on memory when disregulated to figure it out on your own.

Grief: The Dinner Party is an organization that promotes connection amidst grief, through the vehicle of in person or remote dinner parties and discussions.

Self-care App: Finch is a phone app can game-fies self-care. It can can teach grounding skills, remind you to follow through with your goals (medication, movement, etc), and serve up mini journal prompts as needed.

Cultural Enrichment: Arts for All
If you have a SNAP card for OR, you can purchase tickets to a number of performing arts shows for just $5. Tell your friends. Go enjoy something.

Resource Directory: Find Help is a national directory for all sort of support needs (eg: food, utility assistance…). 211 is a more localized resource for the Portland metro area.